Orbituaries. In a stark moment of realisation, it dawned on me that i have this habit of reading orbituaries. why? i can't reali pinpoint the exact reason. somehow, reading orbituaries make me realise dat the deceased were real people; lost ones loved by many. The individual who left his/her mark on this world and whose loss was greatly felt. someone who has lived his/her life as such that when they left, the world did not not blink any eye.
orbituaries are not just a way of acknowledging the passing of a loved one; it is also an expression of grief. orbituaries may sound rehearsed, the same lines day after day, just the picture that's changed.
in actual fact, they're not just words produced out of years of orbituary-writing practice. they come from the heart.
And I say that words that come straight from the heart are those that ought to be taken seriously. weigh them above all others for they are the very escence of one's soul.a real outpouring of what one reali feels. pure. untainted. and unmarred by lies.
i guess my point is; Death is inevitable. But like the words of John Steinbeck; "It seems to me that if I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying so and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world."
wow. i sound so intellectual. :)
incidentally, if you're wondering why, i'm sorta trying to practise my writing skills.
hmm. everyday's e same now.
time flies by so fast, i barely even noe wat day i'm on.
like 2dae, i woke up all disoriented, thinking why e hell is my mum waking me up on a sat.
so yea. everday's jus me n my frens n all our crazy antics.
i find their smiles so enlightening. seriously.
there's the sweet oh-im-so-cute-u-cant-resist-me smile of nikki's with her hazel brown (sometimes chocolate-y, sometimes dark) eyes alight. (I keep insisting that they grow dark wenever she's tinking naughty stuff. say, purple n pink suffocated _______ :)
then there's mira's smile. but personally, i tink her half-grins should b made illegeal. catches me everytime.
then there's jell's naughty smile, always accompanied with a lil twinkle in her eyes. (which, btw, means danger.)
there's lollie's smile everytime someone mentions ed, followed by her turning tomato red.
there's lotsa smiles.
of course there's always ur smile. the smile u give me wen im down n ur cheering me up.
the smile u give wen ur camming, strutting poses jus so i laugh.
and the smile u smile jus cos u feel like smiling.
and all these smiles, always always make my day.