And this will be the first post of the new year.
It's kinda surreal to me that yet another year has passed.
2007 went by in a flash. literally.
It's been one hell of an experience.
Much like this crazy roller coaster ride that was thril,ling, scary eye-opening and yet, truly enriching and fulfilling.
Sidenote: I guess I said more or less the same thing about 2006, just not as much as a high note as 2007.
I hope I grow up to be someone who can say that for every year that I live, cos I want to be someone who, at the end of it all, can look back and truly say "Hell, I've lived my life to the fullest I know how."
Incidentally, the sidenote is my long term resolution. More on resolutions later after I've recapped the year with as many words as I can.
2007 gave me a new begining (literally), a chance to start over with a more or less a clean slate.
I was extremely lucky early on in the year to have met/gotten to know better two angels that I will always hold dear simply cos they add colour to my life and provide me with strength when I'm in need;
Dilah cinta, thank you. Bani love, thank you too. and I miss you bad.
I will also always remember the day of the O level result release if for no reason at all, just to relive the feeling that I still triumphed and came out tops after shitty episodes in 2006. :)
At this point I have to thank the authority figures that helped; thank you mrs taufik. I owe you shitloads. and mrs yeo, for keeping me alive. kak ann, for listening. and, ayah & ibu, for always.
And how can I forget my first ever glimpse of 0734A, all the strangers that I've come to love and regard as my own brothers and sisters.
34A, we've pulled through thick and thin, weathered the most gruelling thunderstorms and been through hell and back together as one, cos that's just what we do.
I love each and every single one of you, thank you for making life in JC a hell lot easier. couldn't have done it with anyone else and if given a choice, I'd still pick all of you to go through it all again with.
Special shout out to those that's left/not going to be with us:
ain, for the short time that I knew you, you're a great girl. wish you all the best in manchester and god bless.
shaf, my one and only alien, we lost it for a bit no? but we'll get it back soon. :) I miss you tons girl. take care for me.
li and naz, my 2 pillars of support. thank you for everything. take care please and hey, you guys owe me study dates. don't forget! we need the motivation man. kfc sound good? heh. syg korg many2. :)
syafiq, damn I'll definately miss having you around. take care okay. and study hard please. syg kau too, chicklet. heh.
btw, mok ying ling if you sign and hand in the withdrawal form, I will personally haunt you down and kill you. :)
Lastly, 34A, you've given me more than I can ever wish for. Thank you all. <3
I'll also never forget the once in a lifetime experience of doing PW with my beloved ij107 groupmates.
We had frustrating times, disagreements and especially redoing the same shit and scrambling like mad rabbits to finish OP and WR but I'm glad I went through it with you guys.
I'll miss the usual thursday meetings for sure. nyahahaha -_-
And the lovely trips/camps that have made this year even more memorable;
1) the 2007 leadership camp with 0734A. It was hell fun and I enjoyed every single moment. We should go capsize with a dragon boat again, for the fun of it. haha. and Taurus rocks!
2) the MLEP camp at NACLI. I enjoyed hanging out with my TK girls (psstt.. we should go meet up for a date.) and also with my 34A babes. We learned more about each other's past and I definately appreciate each of you more after that.
3) the Pahang trip. thanks guys for making Pahang damn memorable. thanks for the support and encouragement and the fun and laughter. Radiate rocks! and mount kesong will always be remembered. :)
4) the MLEP KL trip. makasih to all. especially to my girls. we had plenty of ups and some downs on this trip but I greatly enjoyed myself. :) special mention also to ayah and ibu di kampung dorani. harap ayah dan ibu baik2 ajer. tunggu surat dari kami k! salam sayang dari anakmu di spura. :)
5) and lastly, LONDON baby!!! (credits wen jia! its a lovely phrase.haha) whee. thanks london babies, especially "its"! you guys really made me enjoy every single minute of the trip. other than the fact that I was already enjoying the fact that I'm actually in the UK la. I'm glad I shared it with all of you. it was daaammnn good! haha.
To all those I've met and gotten to know better this year, you guys know who you are,
thanks muchos for making a difference.
and thanks for the memories!!
damn this will be quite a long post. haha.
kk now time for resolutions!
1)learn to open up and trust people more
2) study harder and make it through A levels without dying in the process
3) find more destressers other than books, like rewatch weiss and furuba and reread absolute boyfriend. :) :) :)
4) try something new, like kpop. (psst, sue! haha)
5) treasure every single minute of 2008, even with all the crap moments too. :)
I hope that 2008 will be as enriching and fulfilling as 2007 and I hope that I will remember to enjoy the ride while it lasts, before I get taken on to the next year. :)
And to all, a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!