It's raining. no wait, its not animore.
i tink e sky cant decide whether it wants to rain or not.
dis week's a been a good one.
i've been smiling everyday.
"everyone deserves to be happy and it seems like you've been going thru sum rough times"
i dunno why, i'm getting warm n fuzzly feelings over e smallest tings i tell u.
like e moon. n e sea. n e sky. n heck, even birds flying in the air. [ok. dat sounds wrong. haha]
shall jus continue smiling n being hapi.
how do u tell sumone u want out?
how do u say ur trying 2 b on a different plane?
how do u change without changing?
how do u explain why ur e way u are?
how do u say u wanna quit being sumone's superhero and try 2 help urself instead?
wow. power of randomness.
cant reali ans any of e qns i asked.
proves dat my deep thinking has a limiting depth.
A deal sealed, a promise cemented with hope.
another spoken promise
words said that can meaning nothing yet everything
reluctant but still trying
its beauty hidden behind closed walls
tainted with crimson tears and unspoken hurts.
Another time, another life.
how do you say you feel like crying?how do you say "i feel your pain"?
how do you look away and pretend its all okay?
how can you respect what hurts?
how can you bear to leave a broken soul unmended?
how can you watch a loved one fade into oblivion?
how can you do all these and not hurt too?
if i said it's killing me, would you stop?
maybe if love was enough, i could have saved you.
maybe if love transcends all, u'd still be that girl i know.
for all i know of you now.
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