It's 11.39 and I'm still struggling to complete my GP homework.
Ok fine. Maybe not struggling. I'm doing it leisurely.
Ok fine. Maybe not struggling. I'm doing it leisurely.
Which I know I'm not supposed to do because I have to be up early tomorrow for school.
I'm pretty tempted to take another MC. I'm tempted everyday actually.
Isn't that always the case?
You just get so tired of dealing with all the workload you have to do.
It also doesn't help that I have an on-going relationship with procrastination.
Apparently I have an eye infection in my left eye that could spread to my right eye.
In other words, no contacts for a few days or so.
People kept exclaiming and asking me why is my eye all red yesterday
Even Ms. Charles asked me during civics.
oh yes, 34A are all apparently students of a Ms. Universe.
Fiqa: Thanks for the pizza babe! it was a totally sweet gesture that you bought pizza for the entire class in commeration of our class's birthday, the past birthdays of some people and the birthdays of all the April babies. And also thank you so much for this;

I love it! shall pay you back kay? :)
Liyana: HAPPY BIRTHDAY girl!!! hope you like the present! wishing you all the best. happy birthday again! :)
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