I finally got that new kitty today. :)
We're actually only supposed to get him after Raya but uncle zul says we should just take him now.
First things first, he looks nothing like Romie.
His fur's a shade lighter and his eyes are gray with brown specks instead of Romie's blue gray.
Still, he's really really pretty and so goddamn cute!!
He doesn't have a name yet and naming him Romie or RJ (for Romie Junior) would just be too weird.
His tentative name right now is Fyrus cos he's like a little furball of fire.
And then, according to my sister, his malay name can be Firus. -_-
Gotta say he's very very acquainted with people and it's like he's known me and my family and the house for ages.
Izzy doesn't like him though.
I think she's just a little jealous. Maybe she has an insecurity complex or something.
Wira's perfectly fine with him which given his gentle nature is not surprising.
So these are my cats now:
This is my first kitty ever, wira. Got him at an adoption centre at Punggol. He was a real handful back then. We thought he was a girl and well turns out he has a dick. -_- Now, he's real gentle and very manja, letting you hug him tightly for a couple of minutes before he wriggles free. :)

And this is Izzy. My mum found her "crying" under a car at the Mega Courts building and took her home. She was just a kitten and she's all grown up now. She's not as demonstrative as Wira but she still likes to cuddle up with me under the covers. :)

And this is Fyrus. He's still a pretty tiny kitten at 2 months old but he's a real pretty boy with a lovely nature. He's not at all shy or timid and he acts like he owns the place already. and yes, he's really really cute! :)
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