Yes and today is nad's birthday.
So we went out to celebrate it in town. :)
I'm really bad at descriptive writing, especially describing events that happened.
I'm really bad at descriptive writing, especially describing events that happened.
I guess cos I find it really dry somehow.
Anyway, I'm just going to superficially touch on the things we did today and hopefully the pictures will substitute for the lack of words.

This is us after nad has thoroughly bashed me up for the prank. haha.
As you can see, she's holding the spongebob bread spread we got for her.
smgt nad.
We were walking to Borders from Far East after lunch and we passed by this art display and well being the we that we are, we thought it'll be really cool to go in and camwhore.
And thus we have this:

At Borders and Kinokuniya, I bought 3 of Jodi Picoult's novels.
Planning to collect all 12 of her works.
Going to go Kino with nad on monday to get more books.

And this is the book that made me fall in love and become so addicted to Jodi Picoult's writing.
I can honestly say this My Sister's Keeper really touched my heart and I can still feel it's impact up until today.
Still decided to buy it even though I've read it cos I wanted to re-read and devour the pages up.
It's really such love.
And finally, the highlight of the day is the ice cream!

As usual, whenever we're together, it gets really really havoc and chaotic.
We all had laughing fits due to lame comments, sarcasric remarks, teasing the shit out of each other, (*ahem*nad*ahem*syafiq*) and just plain having fun.
And oh yeah, I forgot to mention the part where fiqa triumphed over khai by getting syafiq to allow her to suap him apple crumble 3 times.
If you're wondering, yes syafiq is that sought after in 34A.
Sampai berebut and bergado dua org tu. -_-
But nevermind, the best thing is the fact that that guy is forver cool and calm even though we bully and tease him like there's no tomorrow.
Baik ah Syafiq! aku salute kau. :)
And thus ends a truly wonderful day with all of my much loved friends.
Hint*Hint: TKG amacam? and btw, dilah and bani, you owe me a birthday date. thanks. :)
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