And so today's my birthday.
Was a pretty uneventful day really.
nothing all that much special.
Just spent the day lazing at naz's house.

been wanting to get this for myself since forever but since I favour Jodi Picoult more, I decided to get her works instead.
I'm gonna wrap it up in clear plastic and then put it away and not touch it so I can read it ont he train to Pahang or on the plane to London.
Besides I gotta finish my Jodi Picoult fix first.
Thanks to all the people who wished me a happy 17th.
Love you all alot alot. :D
Thanks to all that bought me the book,
Thanks Li for the cake last friday,
Thanks Naz for KFC just now,
Thanks Dilah for stealing an hour or so to come over even though you're sleepy.
Being 17 doesn't feel much different.
I don't feel older or wiser.
To me, it's just another day, albeit a little bit more special.
Maybe it's the growing up part that kinda takes the thrill out of it.
The older you are, the more insignificant your birthday feels.
Just like how as you grow older, Rayer gets more and more overrated.
Time really just flies by so goddamn fast.
I still see my cousin as 17 and his already 22.
Just like how my mind will automatically freeze myself at 15 where everything was black an white with no gray in between and when it was all uncomplicated.
Even if I can't settle for 15, I'd settle to freezing Time to the early parts of this year when the politics of friendship didn't get in the way and complicates everything.
When it was all just simpler.
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