And so yesterday we went to Vivo.
I only agreed to go because I was playing supergirl for the day.
Still, it was nice just walking around the huge place.
Me, Khai and Syafiq continued walking around after Nad and her friends went off to her house.
We went into toys r us and met a couple of people who resembled some of the other babes.
haha. no offence to all those affected.
That's what you get when I'm hyper and there happens to be a sale on various masks at the toy store cos it's halloween.
After walking around some more, we settled at the amphitheatre, eating jelly beans and talking about random shits.
From bitching and gossiping to ghost stories and other random bits.
After about 2 hours, me and syafiq decided to send khai home.
which means taking the bus all the way to bukit panjang, drop her off and then taking the same bus to woodlands which is incidentally right back where we started hours before. -_-
Then its a bus ride on 2 different buses before we both reached home.
Didn't manage to say goodbye to him properly cos I ran off to catch the bus.
I had this fleeting image of him getting down from the bus behind me in this daze cos I didn't think he heard me telling him I'm running off.
On a more serious note,
I want to thank my fellow IJ107 group mates for sticking it through thick and thin all the way until the end of PW.
There were times when each of us felt like giving up and just breaking down into pieces.
Especially all the obstacles we had trying to organise our pilot test
and not to forget the shit we went through for WR.
Overall I think we did alright.
And even if we don't get A, all the memories we shared is more than enough for me.
I'm really thankful that I got group members such as you guys and I could never ask for any better.
I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow.
I'm not thinking about whether I'll get promoted or not.
I'm thinking more about the people that I may lose.
I'm thinking about how the chances of 0734A existing after tomorrow are so slim it's not even 50%.
I'm thinking of all the memories, the good times and the bad times.
34A is already small enough to begin with and when ain and shaf left, it got smaller.
It's saddens me a lot to think that it's just going to get so small it's not going to exist anymore.
I love my class too much to just watch it disintegrate.
Please god, if it's one thing I need to get me through next year, its my class and all the people inside it.
If there was a chance that I could freeze time, I'd freeze the start of this year when 34A was whole and complete.
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