Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday morning, rain is pouring...

it's raining really heavily.
I'm all dressed to go off to study at my usual spot at the airport but it's pouring.
I hope it stops soon.
If not, I'll have to contend with studying at home.

I'm really really glad that school is over.
Not because I can finally get time to do all my work but more of the fact that I'm so relieved at finally being able to get away from it all.
School has been really ergh and I have a strong aversion to it.
It ceased being my safe haven and really, I'm just so thankful it's over.
(I don't know why but I don't have a strong attachment to IJC as I did with TKG.
I think it maybe the people? the spirit? yeah. TK just wins hands down.)
As such, I'm only going to go back to IJ if I really need to because I can't bring myself to go back there and study or to interact socially anymore.
I think the only people that matter a lot to me now are my family and dilah.
And occasionally Haqi when he listens to my rants.
While we're on the topic, I hate it when people pretend that they understand me enough to know how I am as a person, what are my believes, what drives me.
Yes, it's easy reading me superficially but there's so much more underneath all the layers.
I just hate it when people pretend to know and I especially hate it when people make conclusions about me that are all wrong. (this applies to you btw)
If you haven't already realised, I don't show my true self in front of everyone and so what you see is NOT who I really am.
Also, I still think all your reasons are bullshit so much so that it's so ridiculous, even my sister laughed when I told her and my sister is 14 btw. -_-
Whatever it is, I'm just glad school is over.

Hanchul and Jaechun is such love. really.
Their friendship is so best friend epic it hurts. :)
But god, Heechul is impossible to write. I can't get him right -that snarky and witty attitude he uses to cover up all his insecurities. and it's so frustrating.
I love my kpop boys. :)

Rain's stopped. Gotta go eat my lunch(roti kirai!) and then head off to the airport.

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