Thursday, October 16, 2008

run,baby,run, don't ever look back

It's getting really late but strangely, I'm still wide awake.
Maybe cos I just stopped studying at 12 plus.
Today is one of the most accomplished days I've had in a really long time.
I completed 5 Bahasa papers so cikgu can mark it for me and 2 themes of SEA.
I only have political structures to do tomorrow and I'm done re-consolidating for the thousandth time.
I swear I've got many sets of the same content from the lecture notes written in different forms.
It helps me remember. :)
And I've also completed consolidation of The Guide and DOM.
The plan is that after I'm done with the whole consolidation process, I'll have to go on intensive reinforcement of all the info to make sure it gets stuck in my head.
Next week is hectic though.
It's consultation week. >_<

Now that all that is over with,
I had a dream last night about someone from the past. (i think it's safe to count it as that)
The dream had that whole familiar air about it and even though some small part of me does miss you, I know it's unrealistic to think it'll ever get back to the way it was.
Life changes people, you included.
And life disillusions people, me included.
No regrets though. It was a good ride, excluding all the downsides.
I just hope that somewhere in the near future, you'll come to self-realisation and don't screw up your life.
But, by then, I don't think I'll be all that willing to welcome you back.
It'll be too late for that.
Time doesn't exactly heal everything.

I'm not the same person I was at the start of the year.
That much is true.
But I'm not regretting it, and I'm not going to ever look back.

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