Saturday, October 18, 2008

We have no time to stand and stare

I am utterly sad because I just realised I left my thumbdrive stuck to the USB port of one of the school's computers when I went to print out essays and practice papers yesterday.
I hope its with the librarian.
If it's really lost, this is the second time in this year alone that I've lost my thumbdrive.
And this thumbdrive is even more valuable cos there's a whole load of stuff inside.
MSN convos, phone messages, GP stuff, Malay stuff, ALL MY FICS. oh god.
please please please let it still be there. :(

I was supposed to go to the airport just now to study but I changed my mind since I'm going to be having the whole house to myself.
My dad will be out to work soon and my mum and sis went jalan raya with my mum's side.
I was so tempted to go cos it's been so long since they hired a bus to go jalan raya but well, GP papers and Malay papers and Lit PC and History ASEAN is somehow more appealing. :)

Anyway, my DVD's only going to get posted on monday.
I'm psyched to get it but I'm not going to be watching it anyway.
At least not until after A's.
My sister freaked out when I told her she can't watch it until I've watched it since it's mine and that she'll have to wait until after Nov 24.

E.E. Cummings once wrote: 'To be nobody but yourself- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.'

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