Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Of nervous breakdowns and dancing in the rain

I'm gonna keep this veri short.
haf 2 go study.
aniwei, nikki jus called me.
she was having a nervous breakdown.
honestly, she gave me a little scare cos she seriously sounded lyk she had asthma.
so 4 a while i was wondering hu i ws toking 2, her or mira.
i tink e nervous breakdowns r jus gonna keep getting worse as e O's get nearer.

mids r in 1 n a half weeks.
bloody scary.
i'm so unprepared.
n i've given up making notes for hist n ss ryt now. dere's jus no time.
so im jus going 2 read thru.
lit, i skimmed thru e stooopidd el teacher a bit n i'll jus skim thru again e night b4 e lit paper.
n i nd serious help wif maths. need 2 find sum1 hu can go thru all e impt concepts wif me.
i gotta force myself 2 do chem.
n i gotta b extra careful wen i write my compos, as in make sure i haf a proper story n all dat.

Oh, im coughing non-stop. think it was cos i got caught in e rain yest n den i had 2 sit thru 1 hr in e freaking cold bus. yup.

the effects of trying to outrun a freaking downpour.
bt it was fun. lolz. i'd do it again in a heartbeat. haha.

If ur wondering, yes, i'm not talking abt aniting like dat.

I'm gonna be fine. reali. seriously.
at least i'm working on it.
so i shld b ok in no time. jus watch me. :)
thnx 2 all those hu listen n show ur concern.
reali appreciate it cos i tink im gonna need ur support thru all dis.
thank u frm e bottom of my heart.
u haf no idea how much dat means to me.

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