Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tugging heartstrings

Just got back frm my grandma's hse.
my gran always pulls on my heartstrings.
she's alrdy i tink 80?
n she cant rmbr or see veri well cos she has cataract.
she kept asking hu i was n all dat.
[i suppose u cant blame her becos she has almost 20 grandchildren and sum of our nicknames sound alike. like; iqa, ira, ida.]
n she refused to let go of my hand wen i salam-ed her.
she started crying instead.
dat always gets 2 me. her tears i mean.
aniwei, went out wif loll jus now.
cos she had 2 return me my bks n i was supposed 2 help her pick out mira's present
i love going out wif her. we jus sumhow seem 2 find stuff dat rocks for b'dae presents n all dat.
we jus got a knack for finding all e good stuffs.
oh, n i'm on an orli rampage.
been saving tons of pics. [315 and still counting]
and i finally got sum vids.
thnx 2 loll's expertise on e matter
honestly, his laugh is so goddamn gay sumtyms.
but i gotta admit, him being bi is a hott. i wouldn't mind in e slightest.
:) hee.
hes a SNAG.

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