Monday, June 26, 2006

Being afraid of fear

It's amaths now and i'm sitting here in the cold library blogging
it's been an interesting 1st day back.
lessons same old as usual with lit being the same old entertaining hype
honestly, Shakespeare has quite an imagination.
i swear that scene was perfectly written.
sometimes i pity poor gerry. she has 2 tolerate all my outbursts of bullshit n dats quite often.
but oh well, even she needs a little bit of entertainment in her otherwise dull life.
ok enough on lit brokeback and toys.
somehow, i feel a little guilty.
i should be using this period to study reali.
prelims not far off now. 29th august.
reali hope i wake up and get my butt moving to study properly.
reali got to get my act together.
i'm still afraid. still unsure.
still cautious and trying to toe the line.
i guess im afraid of fear.
fear does things to your mind reali.
but no matter, i noe i can do it.
it's all in the mind and in the trick of living life to the fullest each day just so you don't waste it.

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