Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Beautiful Disaster

Whoa. It's only the 3rd day of the term and i'm already starting to feel the heat.
got the wheels in motion. hopefully Mrs. Yeo can help find that PRC buddy 2 help me in maths.
cos u noe wat, i seriously SERIOUSLY need dat.
nonetheless, im proud of me for having managed to complete my lit notes for Act 1.
right now, i'm taking a little breather thus i'm here blogging.
god i'm freaking tired.
waited 1 whole freaking hour for dr fung.
he cut off my stellazine but he left the fluoxetine.
damn. i was hoping to be taken off it.
aniwei, boo to the world cup ryt now.
damn dat spain got kicked out.
dats jus a beautiful disaster.
no more David Villa and Iker Casillas and no more FERNANDO TORRES!
dats a crime unto itself.
before i sign off, i'd like to say a little something to a few people;
firstly; great thanks to Mrs S. Yeo for being a good counsellor and helping me get my life back in order. i will never forget all dat u've done for me. thnx for always lending a listening ear and giving great advice n guidance jus so i can find my own way out of the rut i got myself into. i truly appreciate all dat u've done. thank u. god bless.
secondly; to Xin Min. i hope u con't fighting and staying strong. it's ok girl. everything is going to be ok. i noe u can pull thru dis. the trick is to keep breathing and living ur life. ur a great girl. i jus wished i could help u look into the mirror and help u see dat. remember, u got 2 stay strong always and love yourself before u can love others. u haf a whole life ahead of u. don't throw it away.i wish u all the best. am always here for u. god bless.
thirdly; to Nadia. hey babe. i miss u loads. we havent seen each other in a long time huh? i noe ur going thru a rough patch right now but i also noe ur a strong girl and ur going to get thru dis jus fine. always believe in urself. my home is always open for u if u need a break frm home k.i will always be here for u girl. noe dat k. love loads darl. u take care. god bless.
lastly to all those out there; just go ahead and live the things u wan n live it with no regrets. "life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away."

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