Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Karma goes around

I've realised the true meaning of friendship
friendship is about happiness
it's about making your friends happy and seeing them smile, hearing them laugh
it's about being happy for them even if you're not with them
it's about always being there for them even if they don't want you there
it's about all the smiles and all the good times.
but most of all its about being there for each other whether times are good or bad and not just during the good times.
I've realised lots of things during this whole period.
i realised who my true friends are.
there are those who look for you wen dey're in need but leave u wen ur the one in need.
dere are those who tell u they're always going to be there for you but turn around n leave you when things get a little on the rough side
so much for "i'll always have your back"
i'm only talking about one person. and dats the one that told me that not too long ago but now has deserted me.
it hurts but i'll get over it. it's ok. i'm stronger now to face all these.
jus wanna say i'm a little disappointed in u.
to all of u, nikki, snam, rum, loll, jell :
hey. i noe things aren't the same anymore but that's ok.
i'm glad to see u guys are happi and doing good.
hope everything's going ok for all of you.
jus wanna say thanks for giving me this chance to be stronger.
i'm veri much grateful for that.
i've learned a lot about our friendship and all the mistakes i've made
i'm reali doing my bestest to change whether u believe it or not.
i'm learning to let it all go.
I jus wanna say that i'm not fighting to hang on to our frenship so much animore.
whatever it is, i still am always going to be here for you guys and i still treat u all as my friends.
and dats wat u'll always be.
i've said all that i've wanted to say, wish u all the best. god bless u.

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