Sunday, July 13, 2008

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I spent the whole of Friday and Saturday sleeping or doing equally useless stuff.
Spent some time with the girls on Friday and we went for donuts which was nice and we should do that more often. whenever the hell we can find the time to that is
I went home and slept for less than 2 hours before my mum woke me up to go for ngaji and I actually teared when I was getting out of bed cos it actually hurt to even lift myself off the bed.
And then I cried some more in the toilet during my shower because it hurt every time I move and I was just so tired and all I really wanted to do was curl up under the covers and sleep.
After ngaji, I slept at around 1 plus and then I had to wake up early the next day for madrasah but I was still so tired and my eyes looked like shit.
After I finally dragged myself home, I slept all the way until 7 and then lazed around while waiting for dilah to come over because I haven't seen her in a month
we watched a video which hurt my stomach so badly with all the laughing at SJ's retarded moments.
And then we talked. With the lights off.
I love doing that. One of my most favourite things to do and I won't trade it in for anything because it's that precious to me.

Today was only half productive with the stupid migraine I'm having.
It's coffee withdrawal and yes, I'm that dependent on coffee.
Unfortunately, the coffee my mum bought at home is the regular kind which is really too weak and doesn't have any effect on me whatsover. erghh.

I'm half dreading school tomorrow because I really do not want to see my history marks and also because my super packed study timetable with ying and jia(?) is starting from tomorrow onwards.
the rough plan(which took me and ying 2 freaking hours to argue and decide on) is that we'll study everyday in school until 9.
Ying's coming up with the extremely detailed timetable because she is anal-retentive like that.
Saturdays are free days that we're supposed to use to study and internalise the stuff we've already mindmapped. etc
Sunday is for meeting up to do 5-6 hours of papers with jia, either at my house or Singpost.
Technically, I will have absolutely no social life to speak off.
Except weekly saturday nights when dilah crashes.
But then again, she's technically the only one I still bother to see and interact with outside of the people in school.
(aren't you just so honured?)

With my timetable, it seems like I'll have no time whatsoever to date Haqi for the god knows how many lunch/dinner dates I owe him.
And I haven't seen or heard from him in ages.
It's like he dropped off the face of the planet. or maybe I'm just too busy to notice that he's still there, like always. >_<
And I've got no time to date Fan either.
Although I really want that meal he owes me cos I paid for the last one a few weeks back.
Besides, he grates on my nerves sometimes and that's not good.

Random: I'm totally in love with DBSK's new jap single. Technically it's been leaked like 2 months ago or something but I never bothered to go find it. Anyway, I'm super happy that they're coming back soon! and Big Bang too!
Battle should really go do their album like now. And SJ is just....I'll settle for them being back together as a united force before I pray for any albums.
Even more random: Jaejoong's voice is such love! Really really. I can just fall in love with him because of his voice. but sue will kill me if I say I love him the best. I want a guy who has a voice like jaejoong, looks like Donghae, has abs like Taehwa/Taeyang and has suave charm and charisma like Hankyung/Siwon.
I dream to much. -_-.

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