Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I'm scared to death

I just had what can possibly be termed as the most horrible scare in my life.
My mum got a msg from my dad that said that my aunt already gave birth to a baby boy.
And then somehow or other, my mum read the remainder of the msg (which asked the receivers to read Al Fathehah without mentioning that it's Fathehah syukur.) and came to the conclusion that
both my aunt and the baby passed away.
I just went numb by the time she passed the phone to me to read the msg for myself.
(Cos from her reaction, I already had the impression that all things bad happened)
And my mum just panicked even worse because my dad won't answer the phone, which only had the effect of making me feel even worse.
And she didn't help by bombarding me with panicked expressions and such.
Finally, she called my uncle and asked if my aunt gave birth and if the baby passed away and my uncle got a huge shock because the baby and my aunt are both fine.
I'm so relieved.
For a while there, I was bargaining and praying and trying to find some shred of reassurance and it just hit me how I really take so much for granted even though I try really hard not to.
Well, whatever it is, I'm just glad and happy that both my aunt and her baby are okay.
Probably going to visit tomorrow. :)

Other than that, my day today has been filled with pleasant surprises and rude shocks.
The pleasant surprise came in the form of my Lit Paper 1 PC which I got 17 for and I went "Huh" when I got the paper back because I know I misread one of the poems and only realised it half way through my 2nd page and I just somehow crapped a bit to salvage the situation.
So needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised that I got quite high for it given the facts of my mistakes.
As compared to that, MLL was a rude wake up call.
My sastera paper was disastrous.
I expected to not do well for the Karangan cos I did narrative and I expected to get what I did for Bahasa Paper.
But sastera just failed me.
It pulled my grades all the way down to a U.
yeah. I got a freaking U for freaking Malay.
I was totally in shock that I couldn't pay attention when cikgu was going through the answers.
But, I've put it behind me for now because I know I can't afford to let it affect me.
And I just have to make sure I don't make stupid mistakes during the paper again because I can't afford that risk.
Anyway, like I was telling my friends, my NIE back up plan is starting to seem like a tangible reality if my grades continue at the rate they are.

Okay, that's all I have to say for now because GP is calling my name.
Oh ya, my cats are -_-.
I've seen them mating like twice already and it seems like over the past few days, witness sightings (my mum and sis) have seen them at it a few times already.

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