Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's my prerogative not yours

In e lib ryt nw while e other smart intellectuals r doing their a amaths papers.
am in a veri pissed off, cranky mood.
i noe i haf no right to say since i myself do it 2 kan
bt honestly, its my prerogative.
i haf a right 2 say dat 2 u.
2 be pissed at u.
cos ur doing sth dat might spark off dis whole chain reaction.
i reali get how u feel.
cos im feeling it 2.
i haf a right damn it.
i haf a fucking right 2 get mad at u.
i hate 2 c u throw ur life away like dat.
i hate 2 c u hurt n hurting.
i dont wan u 2.
true, i haf no right 2 say.
cos im nt practising wat i preach ryt?
bt like i said;
its MY fucking prerogative over you cos i'm your friend.
it comes in my job description.
if u tink i am jus going 2 sit here n watch you do dat 2 urself,
ur fucking WRONG.
sometimes, i wish i can jus hate u forever n leave u be.
bt i cant.
i'll kill myself if i do dat 2 u.
Look, its simple reali.
u dont like me doing it rite?
so u dont do it either.
if you dont wan me 2, u dont do it.
im dead serious.

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