Saturday, February 04, 2006

Sometimes, you need someone to tell you you're wrong

It's raining again.
comforting. jus feel lyk cuddling up under the covers n gg 2 sleep.
yest was an eye-opening day in a way.
firsts for everyting. :)
lost drink-ginity. heh.
didnt try it straight up thou.
had coffee in e morning n u noe i cant hold my caffeine
esp wen i've had it everyday 4 e past god knows how many days.
bt i cant stop drinking cos im alrdy addicted 2 it. :)
so yea, didnt wanna risk a major heartburn since i've run out of my meds.
was a lil scared of dat
so drank it diluted wif coke.
cldnt reali taste aniting in e coke bottles e five of us diluted.
wasnt strong enuff ah.
bt bt e one zidd diluted ws greeaaat.. after-taste rocks.
i wan more. sheesh. i'm a bad girl. whoops.
had eye-opening talk wif nikki.
im amazed at how much she can tolerate of me.
im like e most stubborn-est person ever or sth bt she cn still have e patience 2 drill stuffs in 2 my head.
logical. she made me see wat i've refused 2 see 4 dunno how long.
1) i tink abt stuffs 2 much. esp wen i stone.
2)i live in e past. a lot. n i can't let go.
3)i love creating problems for myself. n wen dere's nth 4 me 2 worry abt, i create sth 4 me 2 worry abt.
4) i wan attn bt yet i dun wan it wen im given it.
in a way, she's right.
abt everyting.
Have i ever left you? no.
Have you ever left me?.silence.yes.
So shldn't i be the one hu's insecure instead of you?
i'm the one who's gotta live with dat everyday.
so ryt nw, i gotta go unscrew myself n listen 2 my own advice on other ppl n actuali practise wat i preach.
carpe diem n jus live my life as it comes ryt nw n nt tink 2 much abt stuffs dat happened.
i tink i reali gotta do some serious soul-searching so any1 up 2 gg 2 e beach wif me?
bt ryt now, i tink i gotta do sum self-punishment.
althou i noe i shldnt use dat as an excuse.
i tink i'll go tok 2 nikki again later.

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