Thursday, February 09, 2006

Verbs are part of a speech that hurts the most

Been thinking random stuff lately.
u noe, e kind where u jus stare outta a bus window n let ur thots drift?
yeah. like dat
n i came to e conclusion dat verbs are part of a speech that hurts the most.
wen sumone tells u they're leaving, u hurt
cos watching them leave u hurts more den u acknowledging that they've left
wen sumone tells u they're dying, u hurt
cos watching them die, knowing that they will die hurts more den wen dey're taken away frm u unexpectedly
and wen u tell me ur cutting, i hurt
cos i cant stand seeing u hurt urself wifout me helping u cos ur jus gonna say i dun practise wat i preach.
that's onli 2 out of a lot of verbs. so yea.
im making sense arent i? :)
aniwae, i've been waiting for insparation 2 come to me but apparently, its taking it's own sweet time.
havent written aniting in a long time.
got abt 3 lines of sth n its nagging me 2 cont it bt sumhow e words wont flow.
n i jus realised dat i havent been going online in a looong time.
dat means i havent toked 2 u in a wk? hope u still rmbr me.
e effect Sims has on u.
n i swear kan, dat dey're e most cutest ting ever tau. i was playing la den e husband n wife keep wanting to woohoo. 3 times nt enough.bloody horny or mayb dey jus haf a damn good sex drive. haha.
O'level results tmr. scary. *shudders*
ergh. my back is fucking killing me.
shall go do sth other words, cuddle up under the covers n stare at the ceiling.
ta loves.
G'nite n sweet dreams.

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