Monday, October 16, 2006

The long run home

Finally i managed to get into the blogger page.
am on a short break as the ligaments and tendons in my wrist and fingers are screaming for a rest.
(not surprising seeing as how i copied 6 pages of lecture by mrs lopez just now and also finished up merger and separation for ss.)
so i thought i'd just post something today.
been a while since i did anyway.
As usual, i'm in the school library.
there's a whole troupe of sec. 4's cooped up here studying our butts off.
it's all been pretty lucid these few days.
filled with ups and downs which is normal so i just go with the flow.
Thank you an for being there for me and listening to me talk about everything.
thanks for being patient and waiting for me to find my voice and understanding that it's hard for me to open up like that.
i don't know whether what you said is true.
i don't think she's dead yet.
she's still living inside me and i suppose waiting for the right time to break free.
you call her phoenix.
i ask why and you said because she is so full of passion and fiery angst that even a phoenix pales in comparison.
sometimes, she makes a little appearance and let me catch a glimpse of her and it scares me so much.
i'm so scared she'll take control again.
i can't let that happen. i'm not strong enough for the consequences if that happens.
you told me that you'll be my saviour and you'll keep phoenix caged and you'll help me destroy her so she will really be dead.
thank you.
strangely, i don't know why i trust you so much.
maybe it's cos your're an.
Oh yeah, i've been writing more and more now.
and i'm loving it.
I'm on my long run home.
Sidetrack: apparently, there are just some people out there who take it in their stride to intentionally hurt others . to them it's like sportful malice. seriously, get a life. it's disgusting the way you just have to pull stupid totally unfunny pranks on people you don't even know just to get a little kick. despicable

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