Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Transition through evolution

Oh my god. Shaf just had a totally SPASTIC moment.
she freaked out about some nonsense on deleting her own testi for 'asy or some thing like that.
I'm not going to even waste my brain cells trying to comprehend that.
so got back english and malay paper.
i guess i did pretty okay.
i'd be lying if i said i wasn't disappointed.
missed bloody A1 by a range of 2.5 marks for both papers.
something tells me i should have studied peribahasa.
and i just figured out that i can not use my english marks for my LIR5.
now i'm not sure which i wanna use- HML or english.
Oh well, shall just do my best and figure it out later.
oh ya, i've been sleeping at a rough average of 4 every night for 5 days now.
i swear i'm not going to pick up any more late night calls.
yeah right.
gotta go. ss now.
which i'm gonna screw up.

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