Monday, October 09, 2006

Seeing with eyes that see

As usual, am in the cold and sterile library.
Shaf is sitting beside me, pondering on whether to message him or not.
apparently, making the first move is harder than people say it is.
talked to an again yesterday or on actual terms, this morning.
been quite some time since i talked to him so it was nice as well as full of the normal lame comments and puns.
apparently(an's counting the number of times i say this) i'm extremely lame when provoked.
and unfortunately for him,he's figured out my tendancy to beat around the bush as well as getting the last word in.
(not to worry, i've assured him i'll let him win one day as long as he doesn't bite my ears off when we meet. which incidentally, might be way after O's are over.)
Everyone's insisting it's not platonic cos' there seems to be a hint of attraction and powerful chemistry.
oh well, he's a nice guy and going with the flow is best.
we'll just see how it goes.
i just got cornered by a certain someone to give her a pep talk.
i'd be more than happy to darling.
but you must remember that my pep talks are not like other pep talks.
i'll unwind you right down to your bones and make you feel like you've never felt before.
it's gonna hurt and it's gonna suck.
while it's true that i vary my pep talks according to different people,i think in your case, you need me to make you feel.
you haven't felt yet and its been so long.
almost 7 months.
you need to feel.
and i'm gonna make you feel.
it's not gonna be pretty though and that's why i asked if you're ready for it.
personally, no offence here, i think that you're not.
but if it's not done now, the consequences are gonna be far greater.
and if breaking you down and making you feel is the way to ensuring you raise your morale and get motivation, i'll gladly do it.
i just hope you won't hate me too much afterwards cos like i said, it's not gonna be pretty or nice.
and it's gonna freaking hurt.
you told me when we're moving out of class just now,
"you see right through me fee."
yeah i do.
it's an uncanny ability i have.
so no lies or keeping things from me.
proof? shaf can't.
she always says it's not fair that i can read her so well.
Like that time she was krapping about "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".
subtle hint but i got it. haha.
hey girl? get used to it okay. you got the rest of your life ahead of you with me doing that. :)
And an, get used to it also. you're gonna get more of it where it came from.
(by the way, i cannot believe that you went for terawih at masjid istighfar and i went all the way to masjid mydin. subtle hint to catch that silver of a glimpse? in a way. )
it's 12.01 now and shaf's getting damn bored waiting for me to finish this (what seems to her as) a super long entry.
so to not antagonise her further, i'll stop now.
gotta go absorb more Mao facts anyway.
So ta to all the players in the stage of the world.
good acting guys.
lotsa love.
A minor sidetrack: I asked Mrs Cheong in chemistry on whether alcohols are acidic or alkali. she said they're neutral. now that will explain why when you down an alcoholic beverage, it burns your throat which in essence would means its acidic since acids are corrosive BUT booze also tastes bitter which is one of the properties of an alkali. thus, it makes sense that they're neutral with both acidic and alkali properties. eh wait, if they have both acidic and alkali properties, wouldn't they be amphoteric instead?

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