Saturday, November 11, 2006

In a suspended vortex

I've been so tired.
Spent the whole day curled under the covers in lala land.
i supposed sleeping at 3 talking to some alien *cough*shaf*cough* shouldered part of the blame.
the rest of it goes to the O's.
i've never been more drained and stressed.
i'm amazed my back muscles are still functioning.
i would have thought they'd be all worn our right now.
and my ass is still on me thank goodness.
i half-expected it to drop off after the frostbite i've been suffering from since me and shaf started studying at the airport.
at least O's are gonna be over soon.
just as well. i was getting quite tired of it.
the whole palpitating hearbeat when the paper is in front of you and the killing of brain cells during the entire duration of the paper and that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realise that you didn't do as well as you thought you did after exhausting all possibilities of answers with your friends afterwards.
now, i don't know.
i just feel a little rebellious.
i hope i don't start anymore new bad habits although i'm itching for a ________.
just to remember what it feels like.
needless to say my mom will kill me if she ever finds out.
actually she found out that time and strangely, she didn't kill me.
must be my lucky day.
right now, i feel like i'm in a suspended vortex.
its so sad to think that what was once there just isn't anymore.

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