Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's all about how to get to the next level

It just struck me how life is just like a game.
its all about how you play.
all the things that you do and all the things that you say plus all the decisions that you make can be likened to the moves you make in a game.
its all about your moves.
you are faced with a situation and you play it out.
you use all the resources available to you and you lay out all the best tactics you know.
all these just so you can get to the next level and be one up than the person next to you.
admit it, we all strive and try our best to be the best.
i suppose it's the strangely gratifying feeling you get when you move up a level is what makes us continue playing these almost addictive game.
its almost as though we weigh out all our options and choose the route that we feel will give us the most in return.
sometimes, we get a reward in the form of our heart's desire or some incentive or other but sometimes its just about making the right move.
ironically, the right move may not always be right.
But that is what is so enticing - the fact that we don't know what is on the other side of the door causes us to jump right in and take the risk even though sometimes we get hurt.
just like how we choose a particular route in a game and then we find out its the wrong move to make and we get hurt or worse, our "life" ends.
But unlike a game, our life doesn't end when we make the wrong move.
sure we may get hurt but life goes on.
that's what differs it from World Of Warcraft.
the mere fact that life is a continuous game that you just can't stop playing.
and when you've done all the things you want to do regardless of whether its the right move or not, only then can you say "Checkmate" with pride.
Sidetrack: Nine more papers to go. and next week is one packed week. i keep having to tell myself i can do this just so i don't break down and lose my mind. i don't understand how the generations before me went through O Levels. they make it sound so easy! i know perfectly well that after O's i'm going to be saying the same thing though. the irony of it. Mrs. Hoe would be proud. :) The ride's not even full launched and i already want it to stop. And the scary thing is i can't wait to get off.

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