Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You think you know someone

You think you know someone.
You trusted enough to trust.
It's just like how I thought I knew you.
I thought you'd back off but it just goes to show that you are every bit as bitchy as everyone makes you out to be.
I'm horribly disgusted to even think i used to hang out with you.
God. What was i blinded by?
Honestly, you told me you weren't going to apologise and fine. That's okay.
But i expected you to stop it and back off.
The story's over so why are you raking up the buried hatchet?
Goodness. You're worse than I thought.
And hello, what planet are you living in? What's the point of bitching and hurting innocent bystanders?
only cowards do that and seeing as you're one yourself, it's no wonder that's the path you choose.
and how lame. changing your blogs just so you won't get hate tags from all of us.
cowardice is rife in the air.
and i just realised why you're doing all this.
your name is a perfect acronym to explain this disgusting attitude of yours.
E M M I (with the spaces) = Enhanced Malicious Manipulative Instrument
you think you know someone.

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