Thursday, November 16, 2006

Part of some big plan

Have you ever thought that something was gonna last forever
but of course it didn't?
Maybe it's not meant to be cos it's not part of the big plan.
that same plan that was written down before we even existed.
Sometimes, the plan doesn't make sense.
There are times when I myself don't get the plan.
And i question it until i exhaust myself.
And the thing is, until now, i still don't get it.
I just can't get my head wrapped around it.
You know, those points of time when everything around you is just so lucid?
Yesterday, things got so lucid that dejavu was so thick in the air, you could almost taste it.
I was so freaking scared.
I hate it when things like that happen.
I mean once is enough but maybe, it was all part of the plan.
Whatever the plan is, right now, at this moment, i'm liking the plan.

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