Thursday, April 12, 2007

Asalkan kamu bahagia

That's the motto of 34A today.
"Asalkan kamu bahagia."
As long as you're happy.
Fiqa started the whole motto during Malay Lit class.
Pretty soon every retort was peppered with "asalkan kamu bahagia".
Partly because we were all too tired to come up with any other retort.

School was pretty uneventful.
PW was a rush to finish up GP homework and Cikgu Tetty actually stepped in to stop me and shaf from bickering about what I am supposed to get her for her birthday.
She gave us this exasperated look and told me "its the thought that counts"
I just told her that she needs to get used to all the commotion and bickering and questions and sarcasm.
She laughed and said she's trying her best to get used to all of it.
Malay Lit after that was supposed to be a group discussion but we were so out of it that we just made a lot of noise.
Not surprisingly, the table I always sit at, consisting of Nami,Nad,Fiqa,Ilham and me made the most noise and commotion.
Throw in sarcastic retorts and Ilham singing and you get total chaos.
Cikgu has to remind us to keep our volume down.
Ms Charles had to do the same thing.
But this time, instead of telling Fiqa to shut up, she told it to me.
I was talking away in class as usual.
Even more so with the impromptu mini debate we had in class.
Me and Ying Ling were debating our hearts out, trying to get our viewpoints across and covering as many gray areas as possible.
It came to the point where Ms Charles leaned back and watch us debate among ourselves.
Apparently I talked too much until she had to tell me that I was not allowed any comments after my last one.
In her own sarcastic way.
Sarcasm is fast becoming the significant trait of our class.
Even Nad's learned how to be sarcastic and fight off our retorts.
Thank god Ms Charles tolerates our sarcasm and the noise we make.

Oh crap. I'm supposed to be studying history right now.
I'm a little behind in notes.
I got this small panic attack when I saw Hannan's history lecture notes all highlighted with the margins all filled.
Still, "asalkan aku bahagia"
As long as I'm happy.

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