Sunday, April 08, 2007

Travel back in the past

So many things have happened since I last blogged. Thus, I'll just travel back in the past a little and give a sneak preview of what the past week has been like for me.

MONDAY saw everyone scrambling to finish up template A for PW.
Ilham and Ying Ling wasn't at the parade square during assembly.
So it was only 6 of us in Lit tutorial. If you add Ms. Nathan then its 7.
We covered the Tiger and the Lamb and she set us our first set of homework.
Malay Lit was up next and Cikgu Tetty introduced herself and made us all introduce ourselves and told me and fiqa not to sit next to each other.
She had to tell us again during PW after lunch.
This time, she made sure fiqa moved her ass off the chair next to mine.
She thought us provocation and we spent the entire lesson provocating our brains.
GP saw Ms Charles giving me, fiqa,nami, syafiq and shaf the killer look since our table couldn't shut ourselves up.
And Ying Ling turned up for school albeit with her voice totally gone.
We had to read her lips the entire day.
After that was PE with Mr. Koh.
He's very nice to our class since he realises there's only 2 guys in our class.
Shaf and Nami went off for hip hop dance which left me alone to study until 7pm.
We went for dinner after that and talked all the way.

TUESDAY started off with history tutorial with Mr Mahmood.
Our class was fashionably late since we went to get out notes which cost $17.60 in total.
Mr Mahmood added to our workload a whole quiz on the first term's work.
We had PW again with Ms Tetty and she commented on all our template A work and set us more PW deadlines.
History lecture was dull and slow-going.
Civics was chaotic with half the class gone for the various humanities week events.
Ms Charles relented in the end and let the class off from doing some mindmap on Globalisation.
H1 maths was hard as expected.
MLEP was short since we all had to do administrative stuff for Gemilang semi-finals the next day.
Shaf came over to my house to study a while but I was rendered a little uncapable of studying due to the fact that I kept thinking of you.

Wednesday morning was filled with GP and how to write proper essays.
Syafiq showed his true colours in a totally unexpected moment when he calles Jia ling "basket" cos she couldn't hear what he said.
PE after that was tough and thought us all to endure pain and discomfort.
The PT we had to do was ouch.
Lit tutorial was uneventful.
Lit Lecture cemented 34A's lit students pledge of going to the UK at the end of the year.
We all agreed to raise funds somehow to meet the $24,000 our class will need to ensure everyone gets to go in December.
Malay Lit was cut really short since we all had to prepare for Gemilang,which is a project by the MLEP students.
It's an oratorical competition.
Me and Nami was stationed at the back gate to usher in those coming in from the back gate.
Since not many people came in through that gate, we had a nice talk.
She reminds me of Dilah a little cos I can have totally deep conversations with her yet crap at the same time.
Gemilang and the debriefing officially ended at 6.
After that, me, nami and fiqa decided to go and study at the woodlands library.
We stayed until it closed and then went for a quick dinner.
I reached home totally tired at 11.
My plan of staying up to complete my work failed and I resorted to doing eveything in school the next day.

THURSDAY was another mad scramble to finish up PW and for the econs students to study for their test.
Nami and Naz overslept so they didn't come to school.
Ilham was still on MC. That lucky dude got the whole week off school.
Ying Ling was late.
And Khairin was out sick as well.
The class was quite subdued and not as lively as normal.
We had PW in the library so we could do our research.
Ms Tetty stole 10 minutes off Malay lit to explain to me what exactly is needed for the proper PI draft due on Monday.
I got a headache after all her explaining and my mood was shot for break.
GP was the most funniest lessons ever.

The question: "Which is better, curing disease or preventing it?"
Ms Charles: Serene, which kind is the question? expository or argumentative?
Serene: prevent.

The question: "State 5 reasons why globalisation is bad for humans"
Ms Charles: Vanitha, expository or argumentative?
Vanitha: Descriptive.
Ms Charles: WHAT?!?? dreaming right. Its expository! So why is it expository?
Vanitha: Because it's not an argument.

Ms Charles: Syafiq, pass me a yellow highlighter so I can highlight Lasse's chosen article.
The highlighter was exchanged and Ms Charles uncapped it and was ready to highlight.
Lasse: Cher? can you use orange? I don't like yellow.

I swear with all the people in my class, my chances of getting a heartattack is way higher.
This is because;
1) all the FIQs in the class, namely shafiqah, syafiq,fiqa (and me) are all freaking sarcastic and loya burok(however you spell that).
Fiqa in particular hates to admit defeat and will find a way to win in any verbal argument.
Syafiq may look innocent and all but he is as sarcastic as you can get.
2) Nami, Nad and Khairin are slower than the rest of us.
Meaning to say, it takes a few tries to explain something to any of them.
That is also why the exclamation "huh?" and the blur face is their trademark.
3) Serene and Vanitha are the resident blur sotongs.
They pay attention yet are just blur, it defeats the purpose.
This is why any question asked to them is best not asked to them.
The rest of the class can fall into either category and put together, our class is this mixture of bubbling enthusiam,sarcasm,united-ness and everything else a class should be. :)

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