Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's the dark corners between the shelves

I'm currently at the National Library, trying to find out more about Sherry Lansing for project work.
Unfortunately, there is nothing new about her that I haven't already known.
Even the librarian said that she's not a very well-known person in terms of the contributions she has made becasue it's considered quite recent.
Furthermore, she is well-known in the American film industry which means that it is hard to find stuff on her in the reference library.
It is also utterly frustrating that my ST wanted a fair weightage for all research mediums.
Meaning, 33% from books. 33% from thw internet and 33% from magazines or newspaper articles.
The thing is, there is hardly any relevant books on Sherry Lansing.
Further research I tried online yielded nothing in return.
This is the reason why I'm typing this post right now.

My brain is so saturated and in need of rest.
This week and the next week are absolutely shit weeks.
No shit about that.
Next week is damn packed.
Gemilang finals are next week and there are so many things to be done.
That's just for gemilang.
For all the normal school subjects, there is a huge pile of work to be done.
Take a look at my list of work, everything to be in by Monday:
1)GP online discussion; 2 posts each consisting of 250 words. counted as a CA component.
2) GP articles; 2 articles with short summary and the presenting issues.
3)GP essay; introduction paragraph that encompasses your general comment, definitions and your viewpoint. Must be in one of the 6 ways accepted to write a general comment and viewpoint.
4) History; SEA tutorial worksheet 3. Inclusive of points for Indonesia, Vietnam and Burma, as well as an essay outline. Deadline is non-negotiable as it has already been extended.
5) Malay essay; 4 introductions on 4 separate questions. has to include komen am(general comment),takrif(definiton) and also your viewpoint.
6) Malay blog; create a new blog for malay where you will post an entry every day with 3 comments on any one article from Berita Harian inside. First post is pengenalan diri( self introduction)

For work not to handed in on Monday;
1) 2nd PI draft for Project work. inclusive of citations and references. 33% books, 33% magazines and articles and 33% websites.

For my own studies;
1) revise Maths since I have no idea what the hell is going on. Concentrate on standard graphs and also modulus functions.
2) go through SEA History lecture notes for term 1 and first 2 lectures for term 2. highlight key points. If there is enough time, make own notes in History note book.
3) go through International History lecture notes for term 1 and especially first lecture for term 2.
4) try to obtain a copy of The Guide by R.K. Narayan and read the first 3 chapters.

So that is my list of stuffs.
Now for my schedule for the weekend.
1)go for parent-teacher meeting in school
2) go to national library and search on Sherry Lansing for PW.
3) after going to the national library, finish up homework outside.
4) go stargazing with Dilah
5) finish up other homework left behind.
1) wake up early and do work
2) leave for the tarian's dance practice at woodlands since they need my iPod. do work while they practice.
3) try to finish up whatever that's not done and then hopefully sleep early.

Takes your breath away does it not?
I think we're all not used to the rigour yet.
It's way different from secondary school.
The average time I reach home is anywhere from 10 to 11.30
It's tiring but it can be done once I get used to the rigour.
Besides, after gemilang is over, things should be more settled down.
It's just too bad that everything is going on now.
Thank god Ms Charles gave me, yen ling, lasse and ying ling the option of turning down the competition on recycling which is coincidentally organized by TKGS.
I told her yesterday that it's too short notice to start the project now and she understood.
That's the great thing about her.
She understands the shit we are going through and comes to our rescue by pulling us out of stuff that we were forced into and will add to our already full plate.
Still, if ying ling can have time to study, go for Pre-U seminar, join council, balance drama and new media arts as CCAs and join a whole host of other competitions, I'm sure I can too.

"Sabar. Separuh dari iman."
"Oh eh? then lagi separuh aper ah?"

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