Tuesday, January 31, 2006

gelatissimo and eulogy for koko

Went out wif Lollie again jus now.
was supposed 2 go study at mp lib.
studied at orchard lib instead.
cool lib.
futuristic stuff n all dat.
i actuali felt lyk im in e 21st century. eh wait. i am in e 21st century.
*slaps forehead*
aniwei, i taught her a bit of loci.
i loooove loci. mayb cos i actuali understand e topic. :)
den, we walked ard a bit.
quite fun.
our own not-so-dirty-little-secret :)
dat girl rocks la.
treated me 2 yummy gelatissimo.
omg. sooo delicious.
i've vowed 2 myself dat i'll try every single flavour dere.
minus all e fruity n berrie flavours.
dey're scary.
i reali dun get how SUM *cough*lollie*cough* ppl can eat super uber sour berrie concoctions. (i love dat word)
and so ends another day out in town.
Ok, now comes e serious part.
my hamster jus died n since i did not give him a proper burial owing to the fact that his body was kinda rotting cos i left it a lil too long,
i feel dat i owe it to his memory to do a proper eulogy for the beloved fat bugger.
Koko, u came into my life and left me with many fond memories to look back on.
from the time that i was debating ur general sexuality to the times wen u've wriggled ur little furry nose at me through the bars of ur cage.
i'll always remember squeezing u till u squirm n feeding u countless treats, u greedy cute rascal.
May u rest in peace n may ur spirit live on in the 6 off-springs u've orphaned.
*a minute of silence*
I realise dat i've been smiling more these days.
i'm falling hard n fast n it's scaring me.

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