Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Movie called Life

Attended an inspirational talk jus now.
guess its high time i get my faith back.
something ustaz Aqil said struck me.
[he has a nice voice. used to be a rock singer. reali. no shit.]
"Kehidupan ini bagaikan sebuah filem. Dunia ini pentas lakonannya. Manusia itu pelakon dan pengarah utamanya. Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah itulah skripnya.Islam itulah jalan ceritanya.Kiamat itu kesudahan ceritanya.Padang Masyar itu tempat penganugerahannya. Nabi Muhammad itu adalah pelakon terbaiknya. Allah itu jurinya. Dan neraka dan syurga itu adalah trofi-trofinya."
[Life is like a movie. The world is the setting. Human beings are the main actors and directors.The Quran and the Sunnah is the script. Islam is the plot. Kiamat is the end of the story.Padang Masyar is the venue of the award show. The prophet Muhammad is the best actor. Allah is the judging jury. And Heaven and Hell are the trophies]
dats a rough translation.sori if its not 2 accurate.
i kinda suck at translating stuff.
anyway, i've had an epiphany.
the epitome of epiphanys.
i wanna get out of depression.
i wan 2 push open that door and step out into the light
i'm a little scared of what i'll find
but i'm pretty sure it's a hell lot better den wat i'm in now.
i jus hope dis time will be the last...

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