Sunday, May 14, 2006

Someone once told me

Until you walk that mile in my shoes
Until you hear my screams
Don't even claim you understand my pain
Don't say you know how it feels
I can't decide what hurts the most, you
laughing it off like you always do or the
fact that I hoped you wouldn't
it takes all my power to repair the damage you made
in this joke, this game, this masquerade
Someone once told me:
how our hearts are broken and
people continue to help piece them
back together again
and finally there'll be someone
who won't try to fix you,
who will only be there so it will
be just that much easier
for you to fix yourself
and that's when you know
the person is for you.
the person hu told me this is none other den darl nikki. so profound ryt. love u loads u profound poopie head.
mira darl dun wori everyting is gonna b fine. i promise. love u loads my angel.

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