Friday, July 21, 2006

It's the things you say that make me smile

It's almost 12 and i'm sitting here blogging.
The week's been good.
full of little things that people say to me that just make me smile.
"Girl, i'm proud of you.I always knew you could do it."
"You're my precious and I'm your SNAG."
"Hey, there's something about the way your eyelashes frame your eyes."
"Hey, you're gorgeous in real life."
Lolz. I love the people in my life now.
they just somehow know how to make me smile and most importantly laugh.
i realised that my life used to be so devoid of laughter.
maybe that's one of the reasons we fell apart.
Moving on,
i'm missing quite a couple of people.
firstly i miss u. i miss ur kisses and u kissing my forehead and telling me it's all going to be ok just cos i have you.
i miss you messing up my hair and swinging me around.
i miss you singing yellow to me under the purrdy stars.
i miss the way you look at me, like you never want to blink
it's been months and suddenly i remember you again and it kinda hurts.
hope ur hapi with huever u're with. I'll always love you just cos that's a promise i made to you.
Secondly, i miss my SNAG. I miss ur smiles and u batting ur eyelashes at me jus cos u noe it'll make me smile.
i miss playing with your pinky fingers and the way you lick whipped cream of your lips in a failed attempt to turn me on.
i miss laughing my ass off with you and krapping about everything under the sun.
lolz, ur truly my SNAG. miss u even though its onli been 2 days since i last saw you.
and you ass. now u cant make it 2 drama nite. u owe me a date and u had better not forget it!
and lastly. I miss u. all of u.
no matter how hard i deny it, i do miss u.
i miss ur hugs and krapping with u.
i miss outings in town with u.
i miss ur smiles and grins and blushes.
i miss ur stories and calls.
i kinda miss everyting about u.
bt like wat u said, "it happened to me before and i moved on."
well, i'm moving on.
can't keep hanging on forever right?
and i'm glad to say, it doesn't hurt animore and i don't wonder whether you miss me.
Enough now. Night world.
Sweet dreams my loves. Miss me like how I miss you. :)

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