Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mummy said there'll be days like this

Yet again, you can find me stuck in the same old seat, in the cold as hell library,
typing or more like TRYING to type the lit notes me and steph are doing.
i mean seriously, its not my fault there are so many enticing stories to read on fanfiction right?
damn the writers. hrmph. :)
Been some time since i blogged.
Sat's concert was great. had a brilliant time getting in touch with my inner self under the pretty stars.
and oh god, eating mum's delish cream puffs!!
(psst. i ate almost 50 of em. hey don't give me that look, dey were minute.)
so its come as no surprise that i've put on 3 kg since e hols.
the horror. i seriously need to start working out.
Sunday was boring except for POTC and world cup where ITALIA won!!
thank god they won. at least it heals my wounded heart from FERNANDO TORRES's departure.
Monday was an okay kinda day. shaf was absent cos she had cramps again.
poor girl. i hate it when she gets cramps, cos i feel so helpless.
aniwei, since i'm such a nice soul and all, i sent the chem notes over to her house.
stayed for 5 freaking hours.
her sister is soooooo adorable! i jus feel lyk kidnapping her. lolz
She was drawing and singing while I was valiantly trying to teach Shaf organic chem.
We studied a bit then we had a break for some delish prata and bubble tea.
then me being the baby( can you believe my dad and mum call me dat?!!honestly!) that i am, insisted that we play with the barbie doll set she keeps in dis huge box in her room cos I just felt this sudden urge to fondle with barbie and her clothes.okay that came out wrong
(By the way, did u noe that she doesnt have nipples? or a proper hole? gasp! how in the world did she haf sex with Ken?!!? through her nose? eww. gross.)
so i whined and pleaded and got my way, as always. :)
so there we were, two 16 year olds, squealing and exclaiming over the oh so cute shoes and bags and tiny cups and plates.
we built barbie's house. or rather she helped while i did all the dirty work. hrmph.
then as appreciation of my masterpiece of a creation, i recorded a video of dearest barbie's house. hehe.
Then she showed me the collection of letters that she keep and all the song lyrics she collects.
i was so touched when i saw that she kept all my letters to her and even better, she pasted dis letter i wrote to her last year on her wall along with the "colour me beautiful" poem i wrote for her.
thanks shaf darl for making me smile more inside. :)
moving on, we had a nice talk while lazing on her bed and i noe it made us both feel much better knowing that whatever happens, we'll always have each other.
She's already asking me when i'm coming over again. told her that maybe we can make it a weekly sat ting. dat'll b great cos i can finally get my ass down and study properly since i can't bloody concentrate wen i'm at home.
Today's a good day. I sincerely enjoy answering questions in class now.
and voluntarily i may add. :)
oh and i luurvve distracting Mrs. Lopez in class, like asking her her fav world cup team(France) and her fav player (Zidane) and stoopid little things like dat.
I tink all the teachers are getting more friendly and open and dats good. it adds tons of fun and humour to otherwise dull and boring classes.
oh, me, gerry, mel and abby haf all decided to go on a world trip!
umm to Rome and Italy and Venice and Spain and Paris and Brazil and Portugal (cos SOMEONE wans to see cristiano ronaldo!) and California ( to see darling MR. Bloom) and Florida and Arizona and Canada and New York and Las Vegas, Nevada and London!
it'll be shitloads of fun. e tiny prob is dat we don't have the cash to make all those trips.
prolly end up in south-north Malaysia aniwei.
Oh before i forget, SOMEBODY (*coughs*MeL*coughs*) got free tix to the POTC 2 grand premiere!! Lucky bitch! i'm sooo jealous.
but not to worry, i've told her (only about a hundred times) that if she gets any Orlando Bloom merchandise(counting the popcorn box), she is supposed to surrender it straight to me!
well, as my beloved mum always says, there always be days like this.
days that just make you feel all warm and fuzzly and cuddly inside and make you smile like a lunatic goon while waiting for the bus and forcing the people around you to assume( and make an "ass" of themselves, get it?) that you just escaped from IMH.
Well, ta to one and all,
till next we meet.

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