Saturday, December 02, 2006

It only takes 15 steps

This week has been good so far.
I've been going out everyday.
Mostly to find a job with Shaf.
Found one actually but then, on that same night, Ashraf told me it's a con company.
Naturally i was inclined to not believe him seeing as how he likes to joke around.
But then, while I was sitting on the fence, he gave me the link to forums where people actually confirmed the fact that the company was a scam by relating their bad experiences.
I also did my own research and I found out that the company's not on any certified company listing or in the yellow pages.
Then, all my doubts were futher erased when Fayyadh whom i was asking about job vacancies, told me the same thing about said company.
I told Shaf and we both decided to forgo the job.
I was relieved actually since that meant i had a whole day to myself at home.
But, once again, my plan was spoiled when Bani asked me hang out with her and Fadh at Pasir Ris Park.
So i met Bani at White Sands and we got her pumps (which after she bought them, realised they were redundant as Shaf had black shoes all along)
And we waited for Fadh who was as usual late again.
The three of us headed for the 4/7 chalet, the plan being that Fadh could go in and say all her hellos and what not before we go hang out at the beach.
In the end, we ended up staying and eating the food they were painstakingly grilling.
The "we" here being Bani and me.
By 9.45 we started walking back to my house to chill and they stayed until 11.45.
It was nice just lounging around and talking, gossiping and laughing and strangely having moments where something deeper comes up.
"It must suck to lose your bestfriend."
"Yeah it know that."
"Yeah i do.It sucks.Like how it sucked when i lost her and how it sucked for you when you lost them. But whatever. I don't care anymore."
"Actually, you still do care."
"Yeah.Like how you still care as well."
It's strange how me and Fadh bond so well.
And to think that there was a time when we saw each other at the bustop on the way to school, she'd raise her eyebrows in acknowledgement and I'd give a half-hearted nod.
She's leaving for Indonesia tomorrow.
I'm kinda going to miss chatting with her on MSN almost every night.
Was supposed to go to SP's concert with her and the guys but it didn't happen since
she had no way of contacting me and i was out with Shaf and her little sister.
The class chalet is on monday and i'm kinda looking forward to it.
I'm missing all my NINERS.
Shaf's already asking me to go through with her the list of things i'm bringing right down to which underwear i'm wearing on what day.
Now that's just crazy.

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