Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The people that walk in and out of your life

Dear Sister,
We were united by a mutual friend.
You were the sister I never had.
The one from another mother.
We got so close, and you told me your story.
I told you mine.
We were tied together by the unfathomable bonds of past lives and mistakes.
We held hands and faced the world which at that time seemed so hell bent on breaking each of us into pieces.
I remember we started talking after i visited the grave.
You had a look in your eyes that i couldn't fathom.
Now i realise it was a look of understanding.
You understood more than i can ever comprehend or imagine.
You were older than me, from a different time yet the same world.
That held us together.
Now i don't know where you've gone.
I know deep down that you're out there somewhere.
But i can't seem to find you.
Dear Friend,
You bolted into my life out of nowhere.
When noone else was awake, you stayed awake while i cleaned my room in an attempt to stop the flow of tears.
You never once told me to stop even though it was 3 in the morning.
You understood that i had to do something with my hands.
At that moment, it struck me just how very special you are.
We didn't know each other yet you read me like a book you've read for years.
You knew how to make me feel better even though it's in an unorthodox way.
You taught me so much in such a short space of time.
I remember how we'd talk all the way into the next morning about everything and anything.
Now we just say "hi", trying but failing to close the gaping chasm between us.
At the very least, I am deeply grateful that god graced my life with your prescence even if it was only for a fleeting moment.
Dear Love-d,
Whenever my mind happens to cast on your face, one word appears in bold in my mind -
I remeber how fast it all went.
You rivaled Katrina, raging through my life and shaking the very core of my being.
And i fell deeper and harder than i could ever comprehend.
You scared the shit out of me beacuse of how much i loved you in such a short space of time.
I remember how everyone thought i was crazy and i remember thinking i must be too.
It was all over before it even started.
I just wanted to tell you i don't think of you anymore.
Your're me love-d.
in past tense.
I want you to know how good it feels to be able to say that.
Dear Stranger,
I met you on a rainy day at the bus terminal.
I remember you smiled at me, warm and open.
I smiled back and i turned away thinking that was it.
You surprised me when you started talking.
As with typical conversations, you started with something mundane - the weather.
We talked about the falling rain until we exhausted all the adjectives and feelings associated with raindrops.
Then you gave me another smile.
This time reassuring.
And you just talked.
But mostly, you listened.
Somehow, you sensed that i desperately needed someone to just listen.
On that rainy day, sitting on bus 3, i talked more to a stranger than i ever have to any of the people i know.
It's like i know you from a past life or something.
And I just want to thank you for listening.
And i hope that one day, i'll meet if not you, people like you - strangers who's more of a friend.
The people that walk in and out of your life.

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