Thursday, December 21, 2006

Missing everything that's anything

Today was a day for me to rekindle old friendships and meet people I haven't met in a long time.
Naturally i went out with Shaf again.
Seems that if i'm not out with her, I'm out with Bani.
Not that i mind.
It's just hard when everybody else is either working or on holiday.
And it doesn't help either that I still can't use my phone.
Meaning that I'm uncontactable.
I really need to get a proper job and not some BS stint in a factory.
I had lunch with Irfan who I vaguely remember from my first primary school.
He turned out to be a really nice guy and it was great getting to know him again after 8 or 9 years of no contact.
After lunch I left Shaf and her guy to go to whitesands.
The plan being to find a job there.
My plan failed miserably when I bumped into Bea.
She dragged me around, walking aimlessly and sipping bubble tea provided generously by her.
It hit me when I was being dragged around the entire first floor by an over-enthusiastic Beatrice whose high on honey green tea, that I really miss school.
I miss eating instant noodles at video world.
I miss bubble tea from the shop near the overhead bridge.
I miss lunch at banquet.
I miss studying in the freezing cold library.
I miss the line of girls primping in the toilets in between lessons and after school.
I miss going to my seat in the morning and getting good morning wishes from everyone around me.
I miss writing 6-way krappy stories during history and SS.
I miss running to get to the class line on time when the music starts.
I miss the music.
I miss the canteen food.
I miss the long bus rides home with the girls.
I miss lessons in general.
I miss not paying attention in class and then regretting it when a spring test springs up.
Basically, i miss all the hype and chaos but most of all, i miss the people especially those I haven't seen or heard from in a long time.
I miss;
Laughing to Asy's jokes and teasing her about James
Joking around or just plain talking to Bani
Gossiping and bitching with Bea
Writing stories and having "witty banter" with Gerry
Arguing on Johnny Depp, Steven Tyler and Orlando Bloom with Renee
Listening to Suriani's rant about her guy
Jillian's hugs and linking arms with her down the corridor
Charlotte's hyper babble during extra e-maths lessons
Trying to concentrate doing sums with Nicole
Mixing up chemicals and testing for gasses with Mabel
And so many other people.
I'm just missing eveything that's anything.

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