Sunday, December 03, 2006

They're Nature's Band-Aids

I just read Fadh's testi for me on friendster.
She made me smile.
So sad to think it'll be another 4 weeks before i get to chat with her again.
unless she has internet connection and a computer there wherever she is?
somehow, i doubt so.
it still amazes me how easy it is to relate to her.
i guess all these years, i never bothered to find out.
and i never bothered to make friends outside of my used-to-be social circle.
Yes, i had connections but not the real friends that will have my back kind.
in a way, sometimes, it IS good to step out of your comfort zone.
granted, i learnt the hard way.
i got pushed into this alien world of almost political dimensions.
a world where you gotta learn how to survive on your own and how to pick yourself up when you've fallen.
I do have a great support system now but mostly, i pick myself up.
i've only ever cried in front of Asy that time in the library when i really couldn't take it anymore and that was in its own twisted way, mortifying.
There's not many people out there who knows the real me, inside out.
except maybe Shaf. and that also, is only a tiny percentage.
Every one of my friends see pieces of me, never the real thing.
That suits me just fine. I prefer to not overload someone with all of my problems or complications. That's also one of the reasons why I have a different bond with each and every one of them. It's like i'm tied to different people with totally different coloured strings.
And the list of special people in my life just keep growing but of course, there's people who walk out of the list but i realise it's no biggie cos they're not the ones that really matter.
Sure it hurts, but for every pain, there's always panadol or maybe just a band-aid,
that comes in the form of the people who REALLY care and matter.

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