Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Unspoken and Unimaginable

Today is the first day since Monday that i've been at home at night.
The class chalet was great. i love it.
Me and Shaf headed for the chalet at 3 on Monday.
We waited for Anne who appeared with Char and Sheena, to show us directions.
They ended up telling us exactly where it is and went off somewhere.
So with a little apprehension, me and Shaf headed for block K, unit 2001 and found Geraldine Tan and Xinya inside watching the Doha Games.
We both changed and joined them for a while before they left to walk around.
It was extremely dull since everyone was off somewhere else.
So me and Shaf, turned up the fan, blasted the air-con, pulled the curtain shut and watched Chinese opera followed by The Ellen show and Tyra Banks.
It was nice, wrapped up in the knitted blanket and just chilling while waiting for everybody else to return.
By the end of the Tyra show, Char came back with the rest of them and we waited for Gourie before heading to Gashaus at Bugis.
The plan being that we'll hang out there for a while.
We stayed for three songs and went to Macs to get dinner but in the end we ate Nasi Lemak at a food court.
We popped into this shop and they got water guns and funky hats and whatnot.
By 10, we were back at the chalet.
Since there was nothing else to do, we either watched tv or tried to catch a breath of non-existent wind.
12 am saw us all squeeze on the bed, telling ghost stories.
My dad picked me and Shaf up at 1 in the morning so we could come back to my house to sleep.
The next morning, at 8, Shaf woke me up and we got dressed to go back to the chalet.
Nissa, Kiran and Naqiah turned up and we all went shopping for food.
After that, was a mixture of plans since everyone kept on suggesting different things to do.
We ended up separating.
Steph, Clarissa and Sheena went cycling.
Shao Fang, Gourie, Char and Nissa went swimming in the pool.
Anne went to meet her Mum and bought a dress in the process.
Beatrice was supposed to turn up at 1 but came at 5 instead.
me, Shaf, Kiran and Naqiah lazed around gossiping and all before Kiran had to leave.
while waiting for the cyclists to return, me,Naqiah, Shaf, Nissa and Char threw water bombs at each other.
By 6, we decided to get the barbeque started.
8 pm came and went and still, we couldn't even start the fire.
With the charm of some of the girls in the class, we enlisted the help of a guy from the opposite pit who thankfully helped us.
Almost everyone left by 11, leaving only those who are staying overnight.
Me, Jillian, Shaf, Anne and Beatrice gossiped and bitched all the way until 2 in the morning when my dad came to pick me up.
I had a great time talking with all of them.
Anne surprised me cos it was so easy to relate and talk to her.
it was sad to think that at the very last day that the class would be meeting for the year, then we got close.
Maybe it was because it was so hard to infiltrate the cliques.
However, we had lots of fun, talking about a whole host of subjects.
The plan was to meet up this morning for breakfast at Bugis at Macs.
Bea couldn't make it so it was only the 4 of us.
The conversation didn't flow as well since we were all comatose and zombie-like from the continuous late nights.
After a quick breakfast, we all headed off to our own separate beds to sleep,
with the unspoken promise that we would all meet again for shopping trips or just for dinner more times than we all could imagine before last night.

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