Saturday, March 31, 2007

I feel good today

I'm finally done with my PI template A.
It's such a huge relief to be done with it.
I don't want the weekend to end cos that'll mean I have to start stressing.
Still, I have all my darlings in 34A with me throughout so I'm foreseeing it won't be so bad.

Shout out to Khairin: Thanks for your message. So sweet. :)
And also to Ilham: Your message was sweet too. However, it was too early in the morning la dude.

I'm trying to rest completely from now until Sunday.
My body's not aching anymore thanks to all the sleep I got.
That's good.
Although my voice still needs some time to get back to normal.
I'm supposed to meet dilah at white sands but nothing is really planned yet so I think I'll meet her tomorrow since she's going off on Thursday, it's the only day I can meet up with her.
Maybe I'll drag bani along if she's not out lepak-ing or working.

"We are gentlemen."
"No. You're gentle. Not men."

"You guys are the dogs among the bitches."

"34A how you feeling today?"

Well, I'm feeling pretty good. :)

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