Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm gonna stick it out till the end

I know my blog's on a hiatus but I just had an urge to blog so here I am typing in this box.
It's already 1.26 in the morning according to the tiny numbers at the bottom right corner of the screen.
I know for a fact that I'm supposed to be asleep but I'm not really in the mood to drift off to dream land right now.
I don't want you to materialise before my eyes again the moment the lights are off.
I don't want to hear your voice, a silent whispering of empty words.
I don't want that crushing feel to wrap itself around my ribs again.
I don't want to be rendered just so by the mere memory of you.

Haqi's been really nice all of a sudden.
Or maybe its just cos he just happens to be there.
It never occured to me how much I missed talking to him.
He's a damn good listener and he makes me laugh.
But like what dilah says, I'm not supposed to care.
Well, that's denial really.
I still do care.
Just not in the way I used to.
Besides, once you love a person, you'll love them forever.
Except the nature of that love may change.
Basically the point is, I've agreed to meet him for lunch/dinner as according to him, I've got date debts to clear. -_-

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