Thursday, August 16, 2007

There is a 4 letter word that is the worst. Of all the many 4 letter words, it is the one that incapacitates completely. It is the one that is so all encompassing, encapsulating you in a capsule of pain. Pain. Another 4 letter word, it's siamese twin. Just 4 letters; LOSS. Yet it is the start of pain, it is the irony of love, it is the emotional rape of your soul. Just 4 letters; LOSS.

Today's not a good day.
I can't numb myself no matter how hard I try.
And so I have no choice but to just let it all seep into me slowly.
Like slow killing venom.
Of course I can always immerse myself completely in memory, in remembrance.
But I'm too afraid to do the very thing I need that will finally allow me to vanquish you from the deep recesses of my heart.

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