Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tell me something new

I'm at the school library again, this time waiting for the P.O.P talent showcase thingy to start.
Seems like I wait a lot everytime I'm in school. -_-
basically today was an okay day especially with the double lit periods.
She showed us The Handmaid's Tale during the lecture period.
Well, to put it nicely and extremely uncrudely, it's uhh interesting and well if you're not a lit student, you'd be squirming at certain parts. :)
3 hours of relaxation during P.O.P and then after that stargazing date with dilah. :)
It's been so long since the last time I went stargazing with her.
I'm so gonna spend a freaking long time just lying there and relaxing and forgetting about the history essay I have to do and the PW Written Report and the already present holiday homework and the sastera essay which I'm so inclined not to do and whatnot.
God I need escapism.

Friday is teacher's day celebrations.
Nikki asked if I'm going back to TK.
Well school ends at 11.15 on that day and I swear I'm not taking the TPJC girls' routes of ponning cos I don't want to waste my money on an MC.
And besides, I feel that I owe it to Ms Charles to celebrate her and thank her for eveything.
And I think If I ponned, my classmates are all going to slaughter me.
See, such nice friends I have. :)
Gahh, I'm rambling.
Oops. Gotta go pop into LT1 for P.O.P now.
Goodness, this is almost a pointless post.

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