Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

Yes finally the national day holidays is here.
As much as I want to kid myself that I can take a break, I can't.
I've got to mug mug mug.
Still, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's hertiage tour in town with 0734A.
It's going to be one hell of a riot. :)
And then supposedly they're going bowling but I 'm undecided on that yet so we'll just see how it goes tomorrow.
And of course thursday is National Day which equals to outing with my girls.
The plan's still kinda muddled cos we all keep throwing suggestions on where to eat and what to do.
At last count, it was:
breakfast at far east
lunch at pizza hut
dinner at swensen
and a movie to top it all off.
Korg mcm paham jer. banyak duit korg eh. -_-
And the day after that is the UNGU consert!!!
they are finally coming!

As you can see, I'm not really in the mood to blog anything deep at the moment.
Seeing as how I'm getting busier with school and studying and all, this blog will go on a temporary hiatus until the end of my promos in the first week of October.
Therefore, I won't blog unless there is something that I need to let out.
so goodbye whoever reads this. haha.
and nolite te bastardes carbonundorum.

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