Friday, August 17, 2007

Venus, heed my call

It's only 11.43 and yet I'm already burnt out.
Well, this is the product of sleeping at an average time of 2.30am every day of a school week.
I really should get some sleep but I'm so not in the mood to sleep.
What I need now is a good long stargazing session.
A therapeutic (I still can't pronounce this without stuttering. -_- ) stint will do me some good.
Any takers??

When you're at a crossroads with a choice between left and right, should you follow your heart and risk getting bruised or should you follow your head and stay unharmed?
I'm all for the former yet something is just holding me back.
However, the latter's too passive even if it is the safer choice.
You can probably infer that I have no idea which way should I go.
I have until Monday to decide.
Like setting a time limit will make it any more easier.

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