Wednesday, August 01, 2007

From the other side of the spectrum

gelI'm in the library now while the rest of the class is off in the field playing softball for PE.
Technically I'm not supposed to be here.
I'm suppsosed to be in the canteen observing them but I had to print out my lit essay anyway so I took the risk. haha.
I'm the only one currently on the 2nd floor of the library.
It's so quiet the sound of me tapping out keys on the keyboard is amplified until that;s the onyl sound I can hear.
it's too quiet for my liking.
I hate how the school library is either too quiet and free from people or too noisy and full of people.
There's never a time when it's just right, rather its two opposite ends of the spectrum, two extremes.

The parents-teacher-meeting is this saturday.
I have no idea what MS charles will say to my parents.
Probably she's gonna touch on my abysmal grades and also tell them how I need to shut up more in class and pay attention if I want to make it for promos.
I sincerely hope she won't tell them of the 2 [or was it 2] times that I've skipped tuesday maths lessons.
If she does, I've got a hell lot of explaining to do.

I've finally resigned myself to just forget about it.
This thing that you are doing, putting me on hold isn't what I want.
So I'm just gonna pretend that nothing happened and that I never knew you in the first place.
its so much easier since you refuse to confront the situation.
I haven't told anyone about my decision yet.
I know some will be relieved and glad cos they still think you're an asshole anyways but I know one or two at least will stop to ask me if that's what I really want.
Well. I'm prepared to answer thier question. It is what I want.
The story ends here but I can't and I'm not going to carve out the part of my heart that belongs to you.
It will always have your name on it and I'm perfectly fine if you have no idea.

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