Monday, October 01, 2007

And it's all over!

Finally it's all over!
The killer exam day for me that is. :)
To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure I could make it through this whole day sitting for 3 h2 papers.

Had somewhat of a nervous breakdown the night before and I was seriously considering not coming for the paper (this was me in my nervous breakdown state mind you) and taking a bus from Sengkang to where ever; maybe the airport(too cold) or pasir ris park(too hot and humid) or the carpark rooftop(waaay too hot plus there's a chance I might bump into dad) or go back to TK and hide out in mrs Y's room (what if she's not in? and I'm an ex TKGian) or go visit Dr B (her clinic's too close to my mum's workplace and I don't really know which stop to stop either so I might get lost) and god knows what other places I thought of.
I woke up tearing cos well I couldn't sleep properly and I was still in that nervous breakdown state (thank god it was a full blown one).
Somehow managed to calm myself down with the aid of dilah who very kindly replied my eccentric messages early in the morning. Thanks cinta! aku syg kau okay? :)

The history paper was a little easier than I expected.
However I successfully screwed up the paper cos my time management sucks.
Didn't have time to complete my ASEAN sbq properly and I rushed through it providing this extremely touch and go thing that even I myself was disgusted at.
A complete disaster would be the IH essay where I only wrote half a page cos I ran out of time.
So suffice to say, I screwed up history even though I studied like fuckshit for it.

Lit after that was goood.
I was expecting this super hard paper especially so for the PC but the PC was okay.
I understood both sets of poems so making a choice was much easier.
I chose to write the set on Love instead of the one on war(which Ying Ling spotted and it really did come out).
Again a major problem here was time management.
I spent 1 hour 20 minutes on the PC alone so I hope all the time and effort I spent on it pays off in the end if not (quote Ying Ling) I'm just gonna kill myself.
I managed to write a complete essay for The Guide but I don't think I really did it much justice.
Basically, the lit paper was exactly like how Ms N said it will be.
No tricks.

After lit, had a chance to meet up with the other girls before the 6 of us were quarantined.
It was kinda cool actually.
Being quarantined in the VIP room with comfy chairs and air con and food that was provided for us and all.
Naturally, if you put the 6 of us together, lots of laughter, jokes and lame, loser and in Ying Ling's case retarded moments ensued.
I had fun actually. :)

Malay was okay.
With the aid of Nad's notes (although it was kinda chim in a way that was beyond me) I managed to cram in some stuff last minute.

So yesss finally the freaking day is over!
I'm so relieved and elated that I don't even care about the fact that I have another 2 papers on thursday.
I honestly don't care right now.
Cos my main aim is to enjoyyy!!
Ahh the bliss and joy of having gone through such a day.
The only point of contention I have is that my entire right arm is aching like shit all the way up to the socket.
This is what happens when you write 15 or so pages for 8 essays in one day.
Thank god the number of essays wasn't the same for all papers if not that'd mean 12 essays and about 20 or so pages. (seriously!)
On the whole I'm pretty happy and
Overall I think I can somehow scrape some passes to get promoted.

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