Sunday, October 14, 2007

And once again

Okay. This is the first time I'm blogging in a really long time.
And so today is rayer.
Before I start my entry proper, I wish all my family and friends selamat hari rayer and maaf zahir batin. :)

This year's rayer feels really different from all the other years before.
It's like I really don't feel like rayer.
The thrill and anticipation that normally precedes today is absent.
I just feel like its any normal day except that I dress up and go out visiting.
My sister said rayer's starting to get more and more plastic now.
Maybe its cos of promos and PW and what not else that occupies my mind and all.
Speaking of promos, my results are not all that great so far.
failed malay (of all things!) and just managed to scrape passes for 2 out of 4 lit essays.
I guess I'll know one way or the other on tuesday whether I can get promoted or not since I'm getting back all my lit essays then.
Part of me is aching to pass yet a bigger part of me just wish I'd screw up so I can go to poly and be done with JC.
Besides, my support systems may not get promoted and we made a pact so I don't know wheter I wanna go up without them.
I know I'll still look into poly even if I do get promoted.
Was talking to nadia and she told me she may not even make it to uni.
And we're talking about my cousin here.
The real smart ass of the family.

Fadly wasn't at my grandma's house.
Qai said he went back to Indon with his other cousins and his uncle.
I guess after the divorce, he just won't be around anymore.
I miss him like fuck shit.
He's closer to nadia and haiqal but he's still my twin brother.
It's really weird not seeing him around this time.
The house feels a little more empty and his dad just seemed kinda lost the whole time I was there.
Its sad to think that I may not see him again but whatever it is, Fad, I sincerely hope you don't get yourself into anymore shit and that you're doing okay wherever you are.
Hope you do well and get into La'salle like what you've always wanted.
I love you okay you ass.

And yes as always I see you again.
And damn, you're still as hot and as cute as ever.
Too bad you could only stay for 15 mintues or so cos the house was full.
still, it was good eyecandy for me. haha.
I'm sorry but I can't ever bring myself to accept you again, no matter how many times you ask and no matter how cute and charming I think you are and no matter how freaking sweet and subtly flirt-y you can get.
You just never learn how to give up huh?
By the way, wearing the same colour as me is not a sign that we are fated to be.
nevergive up soon boyy.

I think I've totally put on the weight I lost.
There was just too much good food.
especially at my mom's side.
Me and nadia couldn't resist the roasted chicken and the huge tiger prawns masak sambal.
The chicken especially, was such a killer. absolutely heavenly.
so much for not eating dinner. -_-

As I've mentioned before in one of my earlier posts, something funny will always happen when my family gets together.
Nothing really funny happened just now.
Except when my auntie (the one that swallowed perhiasan bunga thinking its bubble tea pearls),
panicked and told me to petik a bunch of the neighbour's daun pandan cos the nasi was finishing and she needed to cook.
And well, being the good niece that I am, I did petik some for her.
So, to whoever it is that stays in front of the lift on my grandmother's floor, I'm really sorry I nearly botakkn 1 side of your pandan plant.

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